The best place for movement and exploration is the outdoors. All grades from Nursery to 12 spend time in Central Park, located only a few steps away from our buildings. Free play, physical education and different lessons throughout the year take place in nature.

In our two kindergarten classrooms, children cultivate imagination, sense of wonder, and ability for sustained attention.
Free self-initiated play (indoors and outdoors) is very important for the young child. Other activities include cleanup and circle, bread baking, watercolor painting, and storytelling. Click here for a 360 tour of our Sunflower downstairs kindergarten, and here of our Morning Glory upstairs kindergarten.

Students develop a greater sense of confidence in every subject and further awaken their intellectual capacities. Click here for a 360 tour.

In this classroom we welcome the transition from the early childhood environment to a new academic space. Subjects are introduced through storytelling, games, movement, and art. Click here for a 360 tour.

Often referred to as the “Golden Age of Childhood” Fifth graders bring a new awareness to their learning.
Form drawing develops into geometry and connects with woodworking. The history of ancient civilizations is experienced through drama, physical education, and other projects.

The children’s emerging thinking capacities relate to an important developmental milestone known as the twelve-year change.
Students take on the study of economics, geometry, physics, and geology, incorporating their learning in visual arts, handwork, and woodwork.

Students grow in proficiency and start to better understand their relationship to the world around them. Homework is introduced in a gentle manner to develop healthy habits.

Students celebrate the earth, the animal world and mythology.
They are introduced to more complex projects and subjects, adding geography, science, woodwork, and orchestra to their weekly studies.

In our Parent-Child Program, each session guides parents in recognizing and supporting their children’s emerging interests and abilities, in a loving and safe environment for babies and toddlers to engage in free, self-initiated play.

It is a multifaceted space where the cultural and social life of the school evolves.
Throughout the year, Class Plays are performed to the entire community. Other regular lessons like Eurythmy, Orchestra, Chorus, extended day programs and Community Education events take place in this beautiful room.

The woodwork curriculum begins in fourth grade and it is part of the curriculum until their Senior year.
Usually they spend a double period each week in the shop. Students learn to use basic tools, the important ability to carry out a project from beginning to end and from design to completion.

Children are given the confidence, independence, and security to smoothly transition from home to the larger social world around them with the support of their teachers. Click here for a 360 tour.
In 1918, McKim, Mead & White, built an Italian Renaissance style palazzo with an arched double-door entrance. 15 East 79th Street became the main campus of the school in 1944.
Our philosophy is that education is an artistic process. Whether the subject is arithmetic, history or physics, the presentation must live - it must speak to the child’s experience. To educate the whole child, the heart and will must be engaged, as well as the mind.

The best place for movement and exploration is the outdoors. All grades from Nursery to 12 spend time in Central Park, located only a few steps away from our buildings. Free play, physical education and different lessons throughout the year take place in nature.

Eighth graders develop stronger critical thinking, a better understanding of the world, and newfound independence in their studies and projects. Change is at their fingertips.

From self-discovery to the Age of Discovery, the 7th grade curriculum takes the students on an exploration of themselves through major historical events that led to reformations, seeking to understand diverse people and cultures. It is a year of awakening and exploring.

In Waldorf education artistic expression has been with the students since the early childhood years. Art allows the students to grasp knowledge connecting their hands, minds and feelings. Click here for a 360 tour.

Mathematics develops aptitude for logical and abstract thinking in a creative, and comprehensive way. Math lessons are carefully planned to meet the needs of the adolescent. Click here for a 360 tour.

Our Science Lab was fully renovated a year ago. Here the students, during their high school journey, work through the challenges of traditional chemistry, physics and biology.

These rooms are dedicated to the written world and the humanities. From grades 7 to 12, the students are introduced to poetics and the three forms of poetry: epic, lyric and dramatic, history, music, visual arts and drama. Narrative, essays and historical texts are brought to instill wonder, imagination, inspiration, intuition, and love of language.

Students and Faculty meet here weekly to bring updates and discuss projects. It is a space for music lessons and band rehearsals, and events for the community.

The Upper School Library mixes the day-to-day pedagogical, academic, and technological life of the building. This library is a place of inspiration, communication, organization, and support.
Originally built in 1902, this building has been the home of our Upper School since its opening in 1955.
Our curriculum is a progressive learning arch. The coursework is not only about the expanding of knowledge and imagination, but the stewardship of their inner journey.

The use of technology is more consciously addressed in the upper school years to further develop research and creative skills.