Steiner students engage in meaningful physical activity in their physical education classes, Eurythmy classes, and competitive sports teams. We offer students a three-season sports program including soccer, volleyball, basketball, softball, tennis, and track. Joining a team fosters school spirit, deepens students’ social ties, and challenges them to achieve higher levels of individual skill.
Our athletic teams are open to all students in grades 7 through 12, and all are encouraged to join. The broad level of support for our sports program over the years has resulted in a tradition of excellence. As a founding member of the Independent Schools Athletic League (ISAL), each season our teams compete against other schools in New York City. Every class includes students who are enthusiastic about their sports and who treasure the skills and sportsmanship that they develop with their coaches and fellow students on these close-knit teams. We feel proud that many of our teams advance to post-season play representing Rudolf Steiner School and the league in NYSAIS state tournaments.