Building Community While at Home #8 – Let’s Move!
“Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play children learn how to learn. ”
— O. Fred Donaldson
The best place for delightful movement and exploration is the outdoors. Even now we still can go outside if we practice social distancing, and follow local guidelines and all the basic hygienic recommendations.
As they experience the world around them by exploring it in relationship to their physical bodies, we need to provide them with physical space in which they can move freely.

Young children are all movement and are very happy when being in nature. After spending time outside during the day, they will also fall asleep more easily in the evening.
Children also need to move when indoors. Try to provide an area in your home where they can play freely, move furniture around, climb on a sturdy table and jump down, build houses and caves…
by Anke Scheinfeld, Rudolf Steiner School Kindergarten