
2023 Winner of the ESU New York City Branch Shakespeare Competition

“Shakespeare was naturally learned; he needed not the spectacles of books to read nature. He looked inwards, and found it there.” — John Dryden (1631–1700)

Each year a talented group of young Shakespeareans perform at the English Speaking Union New York City Branch Shakespeare Competition. They award a first, second, and third prize for the best presentation of a Shakespeare monologue and sonnet.

In 2022, Rudolf Steiner School had a third-place winner in then Sophomore, Esona Peacock.
This year, Sophomore Nicole Beverly Chien has been awarded first place!

Nicole will go on to the national competition to be held as part of Shakespeare’s birthday celebrations.
See Nicole performing in this online submission clip.

The Monologue | From Act 3, Scene 2 of Henry IV Part 1, “Do not think so, you shall not find it so”…